
Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com community; this is your community.  The MedicalMissions.com community is a group of organizations and individuals seeking to use their healthcare talents for the Kingdom.  Inside the community, you will find member directories, organization directories, stories, resources, jobs, serving opportunities, and much more.  Individuals can register for free below.



Organizations are invited to create a free account on MedicalMissions.com with the following criteria: Must be a valid 501(c)3 or corporate in the United States, must have a valid website, must provide specific resources for the community of healthcare missions, must understand that this is a community designed to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the organizations who are members of the community share an active role to advocate for healthcare missions and directly sharing about Jesus Christ. All requests to join will be quickly reviewed. Organizations matching the criteria required will be granted access to join the community. Southeast Christian Church and MedicalMissions.com reserve the right to accept and decline any organization as a member of this community by its own determination (with or without explanation).  


You can apply for this position at https://www.simusa.org/go/.



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