Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Community Health and Development in Urban America

This session will look at ways individual neighborhoods can be wholistically transformed— physically, spiritually, socially, and emotionally from the inside by the residents. It will present ideas of focusing on the assets that are found in people in the neighborhood and how those assets can transform their neighborhood.

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Management of Depression and Anxiety

This session will review
the epidemiology of anxiety and depression in several countries in Africa and Asia. Culturally and economically appropriate management for less developed and more developed countries will
be reviewed. Biological, psychological, social,
and spiritual aspects
of management will be integrated as applicable in a primary care setting.

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Ask a Medical Missionary: Panel Two Doctors, Two Nurses

This session will provide answers to your questions through interactive discussion and personal stories from a panel of experienced medical professionals who have served on the mission field. Each person who attends will receive a 3X5 card when they enter the room to post questions to the panel. The moderator, Scott Reichenbach, will group and select questions and direct them to the appropriate panelists as he guides a dynamic discussion on medical missions. Typical topics discussed range from appropriate training and preparation, to selecting an agency and raising support, to what to expect as you serve as a single or with a family.

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