I recently had the privilege of traveling to Guatemala with GHO. It was my first medical mission trip and first role as a licensed nurse. I think I went in with a lot of expectations of what I would do and how I would use my role as a nurse. I don’t think I realized how much I was relying on my own strength. A verse that truly sums up some of my biggest growth from our daily devotional book is John 15:5, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” I have lived a lot of nursing school trying to rely on my own strength. On this trip, I was out of my comfort zone every day being challenged to meet new people, share the Gospel, and use my nursing skills. I grew in my trust and reliance on the Lord as I saw Him walk through every day with our team and do things bigger and better than anything we could ever imagine. It’s such a privilege that even though God does not need us, he chooses to use us. I noticed a difference in my heart and mind as I prioritized time with the Lord individually and with my team. I was also deeply encouraged by each member of our team as I got to know them and hear their testimonies in team time. It’s incredible to hear how God is at work across the country and learn from those who have been working in healthcare for many years. Throughout the trip, I was encouraged and amazed by the kindness and support of the local church. We had many patients in the clinic who were enduring so much. Local churches were already supporting many of the families in different practical ways. We also saw members of the church ask us to pray for others in their community and volunteer to care for a widowed mother’s children so she could finish school and find a better job. The people were so open, generous, and loved one another sacrificially. It was an incredible picture of what God designed the church to be. It was so beautiful to see Christians from churches all over the United States join with multiple churches from Guatemala City to serve the Lord wholeheartedly. As I adjust back to home, I am excited to see what the Lord has in store. I want to continue to lean on the Lord and not on my own strength as I start my career in nursing. I believe this will start with giving God the first fruits of each day by spending time with Him before anything else. Additionally, I will be praying for boldness to pray for my patients and be open about the Gospel. I know this will look different in a public hospital, but the need for the Gospel is no different than what I saw in Guatemala. I also believe that God has many ways for us to live out our calling as the body of Christ in our communities. I’m not sure exactly what this looks like for me yet, but I will be praying for the Lord’s direction. I am so grateful for our team and this trip. It made a profound impact on my heart, mind, and walk with the Lord. I hope it is the first of many.


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  • Luke Burgett

    Luke Burgett

    Awesome, Charis! Thank you for sharing! Please give us an update on your journey in the future.