About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

Since 1887, when our first worker went to China, ReachGlobal has been passionate to bring glory to God by multiplying healthy churches among all people. Our 550 missionary members seek to accomplish this in over 40 countries by serving on healthy teams which endeavor to develop, empower, and release healthy local leaders through holistic ministry to multiply healthy churches among the least, the last, and the lost.  We have opportunities for health care professionals to use their unique skills to advance the gospel.

What's new with The Evangelical Free Church of America - ReachGlobal...


901 E. 78th St. Minneapolis, MN 55420-1300, US



  • Victoria Nichols
  • SUPERDude
  • Melanie Tippin
  • Canette Succe
  • Jessica Cook
  • Amy Richey
  • Nancy Bell
  • Shannon Kingery
  • Lydia S
  • Daniel Bramer


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