About the organization


Since 1997, INFA-MED has been working in East Africa to empower the church hospitals towards educational excellence in mentoring and discipling national doctors to become holistic family doctors who desire to minister and serve where needs are greatest. The strategic goals for 2009-2014 are: 1. To establish and expand M.Med. post-graduate family medical education in developing countries; 2. To promote and support continuing professional development and life-long learning for primary care providers 3. To actively engage church congregations to become healing communities integrating curative, preventative and palliative care, within their resources. 4. To assist the East African Family Medicine Consultancy to create a professionally accredited, practice-based post-graduate training pathway for family doctors 5. To build the capacity of INFA-MED as an institution, and mobilize resources for the advancement of family medicine in developing countries

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PO Box 63026 Nairobi, MN 00200, KE



  • Alstone
  • Michael Mendonca
  • Aurora Maes


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