About the organization

Member Organization

MEI short-term teams provide education and training to healthcare professionals and students in response to requests from healthcare leaders in other nations. Most teams consist of 5 or fewer fully-trained Christian healthcare professionals (including physicians, dentists, nurses, and/or allied health personnel) brought together to teach specific topics while modeling Christ’s compassion and teamwork. Students, residents and fellows are increasingly teaching with MEI and taking advantage of CMDA's many missions scholarships. Teams meet for daily devotions and seek to respond to opportunities to share their faith with individuals and to encourage local believers and Christian fellowships. Team members provide or raise their own financial support. Increasingly MEI is providing teaching online and through the CMDA Learning Center. This gives opportunities for healthcare professionals who can’t travel overseas to participate in MEI educational efforts.

What's new with CMDA - Medical Education International...


PO Box 7500 Bristol, TN 37620, US



  • Connie Crump, PT, DPT
  • Shari Falkenheimer
  • John Coppes
  • Abby Washispack
  • Rony Berbara
  • Luke Murray
  • Victoria Nichols
  • Melanie Tippin
  • Rebecca Oliver
  • Spencer Stith


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