About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

South East Asia Prayer Center is a comprehensive Christian missions organization that operates all over the world. Our platforms are: healthcare, education, microeconomics, and parenting. We support a variety of projects both in the United States and abroad in nations as diverse as Nepal, Guatemala, Japan, Mexico, Myanmar, Indonesia and many more. Some of our work is done through short-term trips, but we also sponsor long-term missionaries. Our model is to come alongside existing ministries and to walk with them in prayer, love, and support. 

The SEAPC medical team model is simple. Through our friends in a nation, we have entry into villages, churches, school, orphanages, and other gathering places. We arrive with practitioners, free medicine, and prayer warriors. A typical clinic will treat an average of 100 patients in a day with the support of translators and local believers. An exam, medicine, patient teaching, and handouts in the local language to reinforcement diet and exercise are provided. Once physical needs are met, prayer is encouraged. And it is in prayer that miracles of healing happen. 

SEAPC is multiplying medical teams in order to meet more needs. Our goal is to fulfill the final words of Jesus in Mark 16:15-18 before he ascended to heaven after the resurrection. It includes the call to "go into all the world" and to "place their hands on sick people and they will get well."

Our mission friend, Cutting Edge Relief, leads medical trips as well as providing for needs during disasters worldwide. These range from one flooded home to an entire region destroyed, from direct financial aid to goat, chicken, and bee farms, from provision of food to village wells, from threshing machines to shoes. 

To get more information about what we do, where we go, and next steps, for SEAPC contact: info@seapc.org or laurel@seapc.org. To reach Cutting Edge, contact: cuttingedgerelief.org.

We look forward to sharing the next adventure with you!



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531 5th St Oakmont, PA 15139, US



  • Anna Joy Rogers
  • Anna Christiansen
  • Abigail
  • Christopher Zacharia
  • Laurel Houck


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