About the organization

Residency Program

Since the Global Health Track (GHT) was established in 1990, residents and faculty have traveled internationally to most continents in the world for electives in global health. Domestically, residents have worked at Indian Health Center sites, inner city clinics, and Alaska. A great deal of flexibility is offered by the program. Family Medicine residents may use two months of their elective time for GHT during their three years of residency. Electives can be as short as one week or as long as two months and may be divided into two separate rotations. Residents may choose to serve in an underserved area of their choice. Substantial financial support is provided for each rotation with almost all rotations supported in full. Attending or completing a global health course is also an option. A curriculum specific to the rotation is developed with the GHT coordinator. 

Contact: Kevin Ericson, MD at ericsonk@sjrmc.com




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611 E. Douglas Rd. Ste. 412 Mishawaka, IN 46545, US


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