About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

TTT exists to equip partners around the world with medical and vocational skills they can use to share the Gospel of Christ. The idea for Teach to Transform came from Dr. Tom, an ER doctor for over 35 years. We have embraced the philosophy of short-term mission trips to “go and teach” rather than “go and do.” By teaching church planters and evangelists how to perform basic medical skills, Teach To Transform has witnessed the impact that teaching others can have on opening the doors to places hostile to the Gospel. 

Our training on the field is for a week. We offer a core curriculum that teaches Health & Hygiene, Vital Signs, Wound/Burn Care, Newborn Care and Newborn Care Follow Up. We also offer the additional trainings of Emotional Trauma Healing, Farming God's Way, and Discipleship Through Economic Empowerment.

Please contact us at Rachel.Loy@teachtotransform.org for more information. 

What's new with TEACH TO TRANSFORM INC...

Schedule a meeting with one of TEACH TO TRANSFORM INC's representatives.


PO Box 43233 Louisville, KY 40253, US



  • Jessica  Justus
  • Anna Christiansen
  • Rachel
  • Kacie Craig
  • NurseNae
  • Kim Jones
  • Ethan Berg
  • Callie Sinyard
  • Melissa Smith
  • Luke Murray


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