About the organization

Member Organization

Are you a medical professional interested in learning how you can use your skillset and giftings in an overseas missions capacity? TEAM has medical opportunities in various areas of the world that may be the perfect fit. From bustling hospitals in the Middle East to public healthcare opportunities in rural African villages, our global workers use their medical backgrounds in a variety of ways to share the love of Christ and build up the local church. It’s TEAM’s desire to send disciples who make disciples, and with over 130 years of sending experience, we have been blessed to send many physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals out into the harvest.  

Want to learn more? Reach out to a TEAM missions coach at team.org! We'd love to connect with you, hear your story, and help you discern where the Lord might be calling you to serve. 


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PO Box 969 Wheaton, IL 60187, US



  • Sarah Miller
  • Jonathan Swanson
  • Jonathan Wilson


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