About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

TECH is a membership association representing over 100 hundred nonprofit Christian medical relief organizations, and individuals, involved in medical missions around the world. TECH is a community of Christian ministries connecting members with appropriate resources, information, and education, maximizing their mission impact by improving the quality of global healthcare.

TECH members are known for their integrity, generosity, and commitment to excellence. Sharing their resources, knowledge, and expertise, TECH members are committed to providing functioning, appropriate, sustainable medical equipment and supplies. Believing that our work reflects our Christian testimony, TECH members are attentive to the quality of items sent to the mission field. TECH provides the network, our members provide the service, and God receives all the glory.

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PO Box 636 Sparta, TN 38583, US



  • Jennie Wood
  • Jennifer Starke
  • Nicole Niewenhuis
  • Ali Kadhim
  • Melissa Smith
  • Luke Murray
  • Victoria Nichols
  • Arnold Williamsson
  • Denise Leung
  • Karen Laws


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