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10 Medical Volunteer Opportunities - Local & International Christian Missions
Medical Missions Not all medical missionaries pack their bags and move their lives to a foreign nation. Many strive to fulfill the Great Commission through medical volunteer opportunities. They serve in short-term contexts, providing support to both local residents in need of healing and medical missionaries in need of encouragement. But, as with every missions adventure, you need to know where to start. You need to find an organization that will help you find the right fit for your medical volunteer opportunity.  To help with that, we’ve created a list of ten organizations that support medical volunteer opportunities. Each of these groups shares a relationship with the Global Missions Health Conference and is a trusted missions agency. We’ve also divided the list into domestic opportunities and international opportunities, though some of groups may fit both categories   Domestic opportunities 1. Ethne Health Clinic: While this ministry is centered in Clarkston, Georgia, its name (the Greek word for “nations”) is appropriate. Clarkston has one of the highest concentrations of immigrants and refugees  of any city in America. More than 60 languages are represented. In addition, many Clarkston residents struggle with health care affordability issues. Ethne offers gap-year internships for students, as well as dental and medical volunteer opportunities. 2. Christian Community Health Fellowship (CCHF): Believing that many health professionals have a heart for serving the underserved, Christian Community Health Fellowship is a network that attempts to connect these individuals. Working with clinics around the nation, CCHF provides missions opportunities for both students and medical volunteers. The goal is to live out the gospel by offering health care to the most vulnerable members of society. 3. CrossRoads Missions: CrossRoads is committed to connecting individuals and churches with missions. That includes medical volunteer opportunities, along with construction and other outreach models. With ministry projects in both cities and rural communities, CrossRoads gives volunteers options for their mission context. In addition, the organization offers international trips if God leads you in that direction.  4. Genesis Family Health: Centered in southwest Kansas, Genesis Family Health operates four separate clinics that minister to a diverse population. In addition to individuals from the area, Genesis serves as the hands and feet of Jesus for immigrants and refugees from around the world. More than 16 people groups are represented, giving Genesis Family Health a great opportunity to share the gospel through physical and spiritual ministry. Services include medical care, dental care, and community outreach. 5. ECHO: The group’s full name—Empowering Church Health Outreach—provides a fit description of its mission and vision. Based in Memphis, Tennessee, ECHO strives to create partnerships between churches and charitable health clinics across the country. So far, more than 60 such clinics have been started and are meeting the needs of vulnerable populations. Medical volunteer opportunities include health care, dentistry, and optometry. Internships are also available.   International Opportunities 6. SIM: Originally known as “Sudan Interior Mission,” the history of SIM reaches back for more than a century. Today, SIM offers medical volunteer opportunities through its network of hospitals around the world.  7. World Medical Missions: A ministry of Samaritan’s Purse, World Medical Missions provides volunteer mission trip opportunities around the world. On these trips, volunteers work alongside established medical missionaries. This provides a valuable missions experience for the short-term participant and support and encouragement for the resident missionary. World Medical Missions exists to encourage medical professionals in every discipline to follow in the footsteps of the Great Physician. 8. Equip International: One unique feature of Equip International is the organization’s commitment to placing missionaries in spots that allow them to work in their strengths. Instead of providing pre-determined medical missions opportunities, Equip works with volunteers to identify how and where their passions and skills will work best. They also offer additional training to prepare volunteers and help them be as effective as possible on the field. 9. e3 Partners Medical: The larger goal of the e3 network is to make sure churches are easily accessible to anyone who needs one. To that end, e3 Partners Medical serves in more than 90 countries across six continents. Volunteer opportunities allow short-term missionaries to serve both the physical and spiritual needs of their patients. Ministries include general health care, dentistry, optometry, and education. But evangelism is a key component to every opportunity. 10. Bethel’s Global Reach: Many times, the best path to evangelism is through meeting an individual’s physical needs. To that end, Bethel’s Global Reach is focused on improving communities, especially in areas that have the greatest needs. Through medical volunteer opportunities and other ministry avenues, Bethel’s Global Reach spreads the gospel through humanitarian ministry for the “least of these.” The Tip of the Iceberg As you might expect, this list of ten organizations providing medical volunteer opportunities is not exhaustive. Many other trustworthy agencies offer similar experiences for short-term missions volunteers. You can continue your research by looking through job boards and sites with partnership lists, such as the one offered by medicalmissions.com. Above all, pray about what God wants for you. As He continues to work in your life, He will show you what kind of medical mission opportunities are available. He will guide you toward His perfect plan for your life and ministry.
Resources for Missionary Reentry: Navigating the Transition Home
Medical Missions As Christians, we think a lot about missions. We celebrate missionaries when they experience God’s call and go to fulfill the Great Commission. And we support them through our prayers and our finances while they’re on the field. That’s all important stuff. But what about the missionaries who are coming home, either for a short time or for the rest of their lives? Individual Christians and churches need to invest time and energy exploring missionary reentry resources so we can assist and honor those who have already served. Coming Home Missionaries come home for a lot of reasons. Some have spent years on the field, and they have sensed that God is moving them into a new season in life. That could include retirement or a new domestic ministry opportunity, like pastoring or teaching. Others need to come home for medical or emotional reasons. Issues like burnout and stress are real among career missionaries, and these brothers and sisters need help as they navigate reentry. A few even might be returning because of a moral failure and are seeking spiritual healing. Regardless of the reason, exploring missionary reentry resources is important because coming home can be difficult. Missionaries need time to reorient themselves, to deal with what some have called “reverse culture shock.” Just as they had to adjust to a new culture when they went overseas, they will need to acclimate as they transition back home. That’s where solid resources geared toward missionary reentry can help. Four Options for Reentry Resources If you’re a missionary who is beginning the reentry process, you need to know what’s available for you to make the transition as smooth as possible. If you’re someone who has a heart for helping missionaries make that transition, you also need a sense of the most effective tools for that. Either way, exploring missionary reentry resources will be beneficial. We’ve identified four key options for reentering missionaries. You may want to focus on one, or you may be able to take advantage of multiple offerings. Some of them might even overlap. But these provide a great starting place for exploring missionary reentry resources. Sending Agencies: When it comes to life as a missionary, the right sending agency can make all the difference in the world. The same is true with resources for returning missionaries. When you feel God’s call to move off the field and come back home, your sending agency should be your first call. An experienced agency has worked through hundreds of reentry scenarios, and they can provide help with the initial steps of your transition. Local Churches: From a biblical perspective, churches send missionaries into the field. That’s been the model since Paul and Barnabas were called in Acts 13. So, it makes sense that churches should be the ones who provide open arms for missionaries when they return. As a missionary facing reentry, look for churches that have a plan for ministering to returning missionaries. This can make a huge difference in your adjustment back to life at home. Conferences and Retreats: In the early church, mission trips were followed by times of debriefing. For modern missionaries, that should happen at a deeper level with the sending agency and at simpler levels through church reports. But those opportunities still make not get to the root of a missionary’s reentry issues. As you’re exploring missionary reentry resources, consider various conferences and retreats that might assist in your adjustment period. Along with this, don’t overlook the benefits of enlisting a reliable Christian counselor. Books: As missionaries prepare to move overseas, they often will read books about other the lives of other missionaries and how to adapt to various cultures. You also can find books focused on reentry transitions. Again, your sending agency may be able to recommend some books or brochures that address making the shift from life on the field to life back at home. Making the Move As you’re exploring missionary reentry resources, don’t forget the most important resource at your disposal: God. If you’re a returning missionary, you can recall how you leaned into Him, His Word, and prayer as you started your journey. He is still faithful, and He will walk with you through missionary reentry. Likewise, if you believe God is calling you to assist missionaries during reentry, God will give you the wisdom and discernment you need to establish an effective ministry. Almost every missionary comes home at some point. Taking the time to examine and integrate solid resources for that transition makes sense. Ultimately, the wise use of reentry resources honors the servant and glorifies the Master.
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Starting Your Missions Journey as a Traveling Nurse: A Guide to Combining Nursing with Medical Missions
Medical Missions Traveling Nurse As the name implies, a traveling nurse doesn’t work for one hospital or clinic. Instead, these nurses move around from place to place as assigned, meeting the needs of patients on a short-term basis. The practice of traveling nurses, which continues to grow in popularity, grew out of a shortage of nursing professionals in a variety of settings. But the mobility and flexibility demonstrated by a traveling nurse also have much in common with the world of medical missions. For example, traveling nurses aren’t restricted to working in domestic settings. Many invest their lives working outside the United States. As such, travel nurses can make a difference at home and abroad. How to Start The first step toward becoming a missionary traveling nurse would be similar to other nurses. As you might expect, you need the degree. Most medical missions agencies require four-year nursing degrees for their personnel, though some might accept a two-year program with experience. While this is a huge step, it also can be helpful for individuals seeking to become traveling nurses. Many schools and programs, especially at Christian universities, specialize in combining medical studies with missional studies. In addition to receiving a solid medical missions education, these institutions may be able to connect you with sending agencies that fit your skills and calling. Identifying the Right Approach As mentioned, many medical missions agencies serve nurses who are called to the mission field. But finding the right organization for you will depend on where you feel God is leading you. Three primary questions you need to consider are location, duration, and vocation—along with the options included in each area. • Location: When it comes to deciding where you want to serve as a traveling nurse, you’ll need to pick between domestic and international opportunities. While each of these options would have a variety of choices in themselves, answering the broader question is incredibly important. As noted, many traveling nurses work in domestic hospitals and clinics. They may move from city to city, but they never leave the country. In contrast, other traveling nurses serve overseas, transitioning from station to station. Both have their advantages. You just need to identify which plan is God’s plan for you. • Duration: This is a matter of short-term missions versus long-term (or career) missions. Again, there is no “right” or “wrong” answer here. Both short-term and career missionaries fill an important role in supporting medical missions, and each plays a vital part in fulfilling the Great Commission. So, as a traveling nurse, you would be a part of God’s work in the world. As with other missions-related questions, prayer is the key to figuring out what’s right for you. You also can benefit from talking with friends or family members who know you well, as well as other traveling nurses who have served as missionaries in such contexts. Get all the information you can, filter it through prayer, and see where God opens doors. • Vocation: You’re called to be a nurse, and you’re called to missions. So, it might seem strange to talk about questions of vocation. But, in reality, this is vital because medical missions—including nursing—is unique. Here’s what we mean by that: You can be a professional missionary who serves as a nurse or you can be a nurse who also serves as a missionary. Put another way, you have the choice of traditional medical missions or being a marketplace missionary. You can sign up with a Christian organization, or you can live a missional life while working for a “secular” agency. Again, it’s a unique opportunity. So, your focus should be on identifying God’s plan for you as a traveling nurse. Learn All You Can Whatever direction your nursing mission takes, you will need to be flexible. Medical missionaries—both doctors and nurses—treat all kinds of illnesses and injuries. This is especially true for traveling nurses. As a traveling nurse, you will be moving from one clinic or hospital setting to another. Not only will the faces of your co-workers and patients change, but so will the specialties and skills you will need. So, it makes sense for you to learn all you can about as many kinds of nursing contexts as possible. This will make you a more effective traveling nurse and a more effective missionary.  
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Seven Mission Trips to Guatemala: Making a Difference in a Nation in Need
Medical Missions The Central American nation of Guatemala traces its proud history to the Mayans. But even after winning its independence from Spain in the 19th century, Guatemala has struggled to overcome poverty and other challenges. The needs of the nation are great, which makes Guatemala mission trips so important. With a population of nearly 18 million people, Guatemala is home to more people than any other Central American country. It also represents a melting pot of ancient cultures and languages. Nearly half of the nation’s residents live in the southern mountains. Some live in jungles or other remote regions. As a result, medical care can be difficult—or even impossible—to access. Guatemalan medical mission trips can make a difference in this nation. Medical professionals can bring physical and emotional healing to people in need. More importantly, they can bring the life-giving message of the gospel to many who have never heard about Jesus’s love. Guatemalan Mission Trips Many organizations support Guatemala mission trips, including medical missions opportunities. The list below identifies seven such groups. Through these organizations, health care professionals from almost any specialty can use their gifts and talents to share Jesus with the residents of Guatemala. Faith in Practice: Each year, Faith in Practice connects thousands of North American medical missionary volunteers with individuals who need help through Guatemala mission trips. These health care professionals reach underserved residents by providing surgical care, medical care, dental care, and health education. They also help train local health care workers so the ministry will not end when the mission trip ends. Impact Ministries: At its heart, Impact Ministries is an educational organization. They promote medical missions opportunities offering medical and dental services in remote areas where health care services are rare or non-existent. Visiting medical missionaries partner with local professionals in the city of Tactic and surrounding mountain villages. Mission: Mobility: Mission: Mobility provides wheelchairs to those in need in Guatemala. They support Guatemala mission trips by connecting with donors for equipment and sharing those items to increase mobility and improve lives for God’s glory. Hospital Shalom: An outreach of New Covenant World Missions, Hospital Shalom provides medical care to the Petén jungle region of Guatemala while sharing the love of Jesus. They host medical professionals for Guatemala mission trips, setting up on-site clinics in remote areas. Centro Maya Project: Centro Maya Project provides a wide variety of medical mission trips to Guatemala, including disease treatment and prevention, clean water projects, hearing aids, and basic medical education. They save lives, improve quality of life, and point Guatemalans toward Jesus.  International Volunteer HQ: This organization connects medical professionals with Guatemala mission trips that fit their schedules and specialties. Opportunities include dentistry, physical therapy, nursing, mental health support, and more. Global Health Outreach: The missions arm of Christian Medical and Dental Associates (CMDA), Global Health Outreach provides long-term and short-term global health mission trips, including Guatemalan mission trips. They offer basic health care, education, support for local professionals, surgical care, and dental care. An Open Door In general, Guatemala is a poor nation, and many facets of health care are lacking. Malnutrition and disease are common, and mortality rates in many demographic segments are high. But Guatemalans are also open to spiritual matters. More than three-fourths of residents associate to some degree with either Catholicism or Evangelicalism. These numbers indicate an open door where incredible need intersects with willing hearts. Medical mission trips to Guatemala can make a huge difference for the kingdom of God. Prayerfully consider how He wants you to be involved.
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Human Trafficking: How You Can Serve the Vulnerable
Medical Missions When one thinks about medical missions, human trafficking might not be the first topic that comes to mind. However, by biblical standards, all life is sacred to God, and protecting the most vulnerable members of society is among our highest calls as Christ followers. Those two truths make the battle against human trafficking a moral imperative for all who claim to follow Jesus and seek to take the light of the gospel into the world’s darkness. What is Human Trafficking? According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline, human trafficking can be defined as anytime “a trafficker uses force, fraud, or coercion to control another person for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or soliciting labor or services against his/her will.” The Hotline also notes that no force, fraud, or coercion is necessary if the victim is a minor. This definition highlights some major ideas that must be understood when talking about the trafficking of human beings. For example, while many traffickers deal in the commercial sex industry, not all human trafficking is sex-related. According to some experts, more incidents of trafficking are related to the modern equivalent of “slave labor.” As a result, they draw a distinction between “sex trafficking” and “labor trafficking.” Likewise, human trafficking should not be confused with human smuggling, which involves moving individuals across national borders. Again, this may happen in some cases; but a victim of human trafficking may never leave their country of origin. The key is being held against one’s will, not the location or transportation. Becoming Part of the Solution Many organizations around the world are committed to eradicating the scourge of human trafficking. The organizations below are Christian movements that focus on helping the victims of trafficking. Each one is associated with the Global Missions Health Conference and provides opportunities for individuals to join the fight against human trafficking. Commission on Human Trafficking: An agency of the Christian Medical and Dental Associations (CMDA), the Commission on Human Trafficking works with CMDA missionaries and mission trips to fight human trafficking around the world. They provide physical and digital resources to help people gain a better understanding of human trafficking, including educational modules. Lift Up the Vulnerable: Focusing its efforts on Sudan and South Sudan, Lift Up the Vulnerable (LUV) seeks to empower at-risk women and children by preventing human trafficking and other forms of oppression. LUV works with indigenous leaders to create structures that protect vulnerable groups in regions marked by war, violence, and poverty. National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance: The NTSA serves as an umbrella organization for like-minded groups committed to helping victims who have escaped the exploitation of human trafficking. They strive to provide support and ministry through teaching, facilitating connections between agencies and survivors, and establishing accreditation standards for organizations serving vulnerable groups. Helping the Least of These During His time on earth, Jesus often drew a distinction between words and actions. From a biblical point of view, that means genuine believers should never be satisfied with knowing that a problem exists. Their passion for justice should fuel their moral compass and drive them to make a difference wherever possible. In the parable of the sheep and goats (Matthew 25:31-46), Jesus emphasized that His people should minister to “the least of these.” Simply put, Christians have a responsibility to help the vulnerable, to protect the ones who can’t protect themselves. The organizations listed above have applied that principle to fighting human trafficking for the purposes of sex or forced labor. They are serving on the frontlines of the battle. If you have a heart for protecting and supporting this at-risk population, these groups could be a great place to start your own journey in the battle against trafficking.
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Exploring Paid Medical Mission Trips This Year
Medical Missions Medical mission trips are not “one-size-fits-all.” Since the needs of every nation and agency are different, the opportunities for medical missionaries also can vary. Some are geared toward volunteers, while others are paid medical mission trips. Regardless, each can make a difference in the world. Key Considerations for Paid Medical Mission Trips This article focuses on some key ideas related to paid medical mission trips. While many agencies are geared toward volunteers, some provide compensation for medical missionaries who are willing to serve. But finding the right situation and the right fit takes some research. Below, we’ve outlined five important things to keep in mind as you look for a compensated medical mission trip. Find a Reliable Job Board: Like any paid job, you need to know what opportunities are available. A good missions job board can point you in the right direction. One great job board can be found here on the Medical Missions website. While many of the jobs listed are full-time career positions, some describe long-term spots that still provide compensation. When it comes to identifying a paid medical missions trip, trustworthy job boards can be your friend. Focus on Your Specialty: One of the unique aspects of medical missions is the variety of specialties represented. Medical doctors, nurses, dentists, optometrists, therapists, mental health workers, and so many others can find positions in the medical missions landscape. As a result, you need to make sure the compensated trips you find fit your giftings and specialties. To be at your best, you need to be operating in your God-given strengths. Be Ready to Commit: In general, paid medical missions trips are long term, even if they aren’t career positions. That means you’re going to be making a serious commitment of your time. Of course, the compensation helps with that, but you need to go into the situation with your eyes open and your expectations properly aligned. Make sure you understand exactly what the sending agency requires and that you get all of your questions answered. Count the Cost: While a paid medical missions trip does provide compensation, you have to make sure you are comfortable with the paycheck you’ll be getting. Along with your call to missions, you also must be a good steward of your resources. Don’t accept a position without making sure you can live on what you’ll be paid. God certainly can provide for all your needs, but He also calls you to be wise with what you receive. Pray: No missions endeavor should ever be entered without prayer, and paid medical mission trips are no different. In the early stages, you should be praying for God to open doors. Then, you need to pray that He prepares you for the challenges you will face. Pray for discernment and wisdom in identifying the right sending agency for you. And enlist a team to pray along with you. It might seem obvious, but prayer should be a non-negotiable when it comes to embarking on any mission trip, including paid medical mission trips. Moving Forward Paid medical mission trips can take different forms. Some sending agencies provide compensated internships for college students or recent graduates. Similarly, others might offer gap year plans or summer programs. For established professionals, long-term opportunities with compensation might be available. Again, the key is finding the right spot for you. Your specialty, desired duration, desired location, and compensation needs will all play a role in making your decision. As noted, it will require some research. But if God is leading you and equipping you for a paid medical mission trip, He will also open the appropriate doors to bring His plans and purposes to pass.